TimeMate is a free Windows 10 application built by the TimeSite development team. It monitors your daily activity by recording how long you spend in each application. Each time you move from one application to another, TimeMate records the total time you spent in the first app and begins to record the time you are now working in the second app.
TimeMate enables you to specify the Client : Project : Task description for each application activity and this results in a timesheet record being added to your timesheet in TimeSite Pro.
Download & Log In
You can download the TimeMate app from the TimeMate website. The app does not require an installation process. Instead you can move the executable file to a convenient directory and open (run) the app. You may wish to pin the app to your task bar. It does not require Administrator privileges. Log in to your TimeSite Pro account using your email address and password.
TimeMate automatically records your activity
As you move from app to app, TimeMate creates a record (row) of your time in each app.
When you are ready to complete a task and need to record details to your timesheet, you double-click on the activity row in to open a display of your clients, projects, and tasks available to you from your TimeSite Pro account. This is presented in a "tree" display where can click on the + icon or double-click the item to open the next level down. When you complete your selection to the task level, you can click on the Save button to complete your entry.
The Options menu enables you to configure TimeMate.
Always On Top: keep the TimeMate window on top of all other windows in you desktop.
Idle Wait Time: how long to wait before TimeMate begins to record an idle time period.
Days To Keep: the number of days of history to keep in the TimeMate window.
Don't Show Application With Less Than: how long to wait before shifting to a new application window start a new TimeMate record. This avoids creating records if you briefly visit an application window.
Hide Column: enables you to hide the Type and Application columns.
Sorting Order: opens the Sort panel that enables you to select sort columns in the TimeMate display.
Round usage up for billable time: enables you to specify the minimum or round up duration for the billable time value.
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