Timesite Pro has a number of different mechanisms available to qualify time and non time records. These are as follows.
Time records:-
- Approval
- Authorisation
- Approval then Authorisation
- Authorisation then Approval
- Approval and Authorisation concurrently
- Review
Non time records:-
These mechanisms can be enabled via the Settings -> System settings -> Timesheets screen
Timesheet record review
This feature allows individual timesheet record review. An example of use would be for sick leave records. The review status is shown on the timesheet screen, timesheet export screen and if enabled the approval and authorisation screens. The review status can be reported on via custom reports if required.
When enabled both the user and project records have a new drop down field added to their settings or details tab, this field allows you to set a user as a reviewer for any timesheet records (time and non time) created by the user or for the project.
Any user set as a reviewer will have the Review top menu option added to their Timesite Pro screen. Only records belonging to the reviewer will be available to them for review via the Review screen.
The users security tab also has a new option added called Review. If this is ticked the user will have the Review menu option added to their screen and they will have full access to all records in the Review screen.
The review process
User creates a timesheet record and the review status is: Pending, the word 'Required' is shown in red in the review column in all screens the column is displayed.
Reviewer can change the status to:- Modification required or OK.
If the reviewer sets the status to Modification required the record will have a comments icon in the review column in screens where the column is visible. The user will edit the record and once saved the record will show a status of Re Check in the Review screen.
If the reviewer sets to status to OK all screens showing the Review column will show the record with a tick icon as shown below.
Requesting review from the Timesheet Export screen
When reviewing timesheet records to send to your payroll or accounting app you can enable a system setting via Settings -> System Settings -> Timesheets screen. The setting is called: Allow request record review from export timesheet screen.
Once this setting is enabled any timesheet records that require review that you choose to edit via the timesheet export screen will have a button displayed: Request Review. Clicking this button will open the window shown below.
Once the record has been set to request review the reviewer will be notified in the usual way.
Expense (non time) approval
When this feature (Settings -> System settings -> Timesheets screen -> Enable expense (Non time) approval) is enabled Task types can be configured via (Settings -> Lists and Types -> Task Types) as requiring expense approval. Any Tasks based on this Task type will require approval. Timesheets can be selected for export to payroll on the basis that they have had all expense records requiring approval actioned or not.
Once Expense approval is enabled a new tab will appear in the Triggered tab in the Messaging screen. This tab will allow configuration of emails to be sent to a specified email address with notification of each record created that requires expense approval via the Approve -> Expense approval screen.
The messaging screen
The expense approval screen
Timesheet approval
Timesheet approval is approval of all timesheet records entered for a weekly/fortnightly timesheet. The approver is typically a supervisor or line manager who is responsible for checking all work performed by a user. Timesheet approval can be done via the web app or the mobile app. Timesheets can be selected for export to payroll on the basis that they have been approved.
When timesheet approval is enabled each user account can be configured to have an approver assigned to it. If no approver is assigned then that user does not need to submit their timesheets for approval. Any user who is assigned an approver will be required to submit their timesheets. submission of timesheets can be done via the web or mobile app.
The messaging screen has a section (Triggered -> Approval) to allow customisation of email and or text messages that are sent to the approver to alert them that timesheets require action, scheduled messages can also be configured as reminders to both users and approvers to submit or approve timesheets.
More information regarding timesheet approval can be found here.
Timesheet authorisation
Timesheet authorisation is typically performed by project managers or clients. When a timesheet is submitted only the timesheet records that belong to either a client or project are sent for authorisation and the records are only sent for authorisation if the client or project has been configured to require authorisation.
The messaging screen has a section (Triggered -> Authorisation) to allow customisation of email and or text messages that are sent to the authoriser to alert them that timesheets require action, these emails can be configured with a link that will open the Authorisation screen in the web app without the need for the user to login. Authorisation can only be performed via the web app.
More information regarding timesheet authorisation can be found here.
Timesite Pro can be configured to connect to an email account for the purpose of authorising timesheets via email.
When an email message is sent to an authoriser on submission of a timesheet, that email message can contain details of all timesheet records requiring authorisation. If the authoriser wishes to authorise the timesheet records they can simply reply to the email, when they reply the email is received by the Timesite Pro monitored email account, opened and processed. Timesite Pro will record this event and mark the records as authorised.
This email account should only be used for the purpose of timesheet authorisation as Timesite Pro will open, process and delete all messages sent to this account.
Details regarding setting this feature up can be found here.
Timesheet approval/authorisation workflow
Timesite Pro can support a number of different workflows regarding approval and authorisation, these can be selected via the Review / Approval / authorisation panel in the Settings -> System settings -> Timesheets screen.
These workflows should be self evident, if you require further assistance regarding these settings please contact Timesite Support.
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