If timesheet authorisation is enabled Timesite Pro can be configured to allow approval of authorisation records via email.
An email account is assigned to the Timesite Pro authorisation process. Timesite Pro will monitor this email account, any emails sent to it will be processed by the Timesite pro authorisation service.
When authorisation emails are sent to authorisers notifying them of timesheet records requiring authorisation these email are sent form the email address being monitored. The recipient of the email simply needs to reply to the email if they wish to authorise the records contained in it.
When the authorisation service receives the email it will log which email address sent the email and when it was sent against the original authorisation record, it will also mark the record an authorised.
To configure this feature you must enter details regarding the IMAP server hosting the email account to be used to process the incoming emails, these configuration settings are typically performed by your IT staff.
And then you must configure the connection details for the mailbox you wish to use
For further assistance with the configuration of this feature please contact Timesite support.
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