The daily sign off process is built based on allocating pool of supervisors to a user. This introduces contingency around personnel so that the required workflows/operations/processes for daily sign off continue irrespective of any individual's availability.
Daily Supervisor
Organisations that are larger run the risk of not knowing which supervisors will be available each day. To manage this risk we have created functionality that allows the users/workers to select a supervisor from a pool of available supervisors each day.
Go to System settings / Timesheets and check the box – Enable daily sign off.
Step 2
Go to Admin and select Sign Off Group and + Add new record (the name of your sign off group).
Once you have created your Sign Off Group double click on the name and select a daily supervisor by highlighting that person and then pressing the right arrow > to move that person from “available supervisors” to “selected supervisor”.
Step 3
Go the Admin and select the User you want to be part of the new Sign Off Group and in their Settings tab select the Sign Off Group for each user.
Step 4
Once you have linked the user to a daily Sign Off Group the user will have to select a supervisor from the drop down list before they can begin their time sheet entry for the day.
Step 5
After selecting a supervisor the user can enter records for the day, they can also change the selected supervisor if they have more than one supervisor available.
Step 6
When the days work is complete the user should click the submit button. Once clicked the records entered for the day are locked and no more records can be added for that day by the user.
Step 7
The supervisor will receive a message informing them that a daily timesheet is awaiting sign off. This message can be edited via the Messaging -> Triggered -> Daily Sign Off menu.
Step 8
The supervisor will automatically be given access to the Approve menu to access the Daily Sign Off screen. The supervisor will only see daily timesheets to action that belong to users who are assigned to a Sign off group that the supervisor is in.
Other users can be given access to the Sign off screen via the security settings of the users account. If they have access assigned in this manner they will have access to all users timesheet records in this screen.
Step 9
Records in the Daily sign off screen can be actioned by anyone who has access to them via the screen. The possible actions are:- Change required and Approved. Records approved require no further action, records set to Change required are sent back to the user with comments if entered for the user to remedy and resubmit.
The Sign off screen will show a summary record for each day, this summary line can be clicked on and a detail screen will open to show all the timesheet records entered for the day, these records can be edited by the supervisor by clicking on them if necessary.
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