TimeSite Pro can export timesheets to payroll, accounting and business reporting systems.
When TimeSite Pro uses timesheets records for payroll and invoicing purposes, these timesheet records will be flagged as having been processed. By processed, we mean that the timesheet record has been exported for payroll purposes or used for invoicing purposes and so can't be processed for this purpose again. Timesheets records can be processed but not exported to your payroll system. This is useful for timesheets submitted by contractors who are paid by invoice rather than by payroll or timesheets for salaried staff.
See Export Overview and Application Integration for other ways of exporting timesheets.
Export to payroll
Select Export > Basic > Export to display the Export timesheets to payroll screen. This screen enables you to select a batch of timesheets that are to be processed for payroll purposes. These timesheets can also be exported (or not) either to a file which can then be imported to your payroll system, or exported directly into your payroll system via an online API provided by your payroll vendor.
TimeSite Pro will code each timesheet record in the batch with additional details required by the payroll system. This typically includes the payroll category relating to the timesheet record's task type. For example, a client billable task might be coded as ordinary hours in the payroll system. An annual leave task will be coded similarly. This mapping from task type to payroll category is specified in the Payroll Mapping configuration setting. See Settings: Export Timesheets for more information.
Select one or more timesheets from the Timesheets not Exported panel and use the right arrow buttons to move these timesheets into the Timesheets to Export panel. You can remove one or more timesheets from the export by selecting them and clicking on the left arrow buttons. You can use the magnifying glass icon to show the timesheet details (records) in the Timesheet Details panel at the bottom of the screen. You can click on a timesheet row to display the timesheet edit panel.
You can enable the Only show approved Timesheets filter to eliminate timesheets that haven't yet been approved, i.e. incomplete or submitted timesheets. You can then select all approved timesheets and add them to the Timesheets to Export panel in one operation.
If you are using contractors who are not being paid via your payroll system, you can select these users by enabling the Only show Contractors filter. You can then move them to the Timesheets to Export panel click the Process - No Export button to flag these timesheets as having been processed for payroll. You may also wish to set up an Enquiry to report on the hours that these contractors have recorded in their timesheet and for which you will receive an invoice.
Once you have completed selecting all the timesheets that are to be used in your payroll system, click on the Process and Export button to send these timesheets to your payroll system. Once processed, this batch of timesheets will be shown in the Exported batches screen.
if you are exporting timesheets to MYOB or MYOB Online, you have the option of exporting either as MYOB timesheet records or MYOB activity slips. Refer to MYOB's knowledge base for more information on activity slips. Note that you need to enable Bill Rates in TimeSite Pro to be able to export MYOB Activity Slips, see Settings > System Settings > Rates > Time Bill and Bill Rates > Enable bill rates.
Exported Batches
Previously exported batches of timesheets are listed in the Exported batches screen. The Batch Date is the date that the timesheets were exported either directly into your payroll application (e.g. MYOB Online or Xero) or to an export file ready to be imported into your payroll application. Select a timesheet export batch and click on the magnifier icon to see the timesheet details exported in that batch.
Delete Exported Batch
If you need to re-run the Process and Export function, you can delete a previously processed batch of timesheets from the Exported Batches screen. This removes the export process lock from the timesheet records previously exported. You can then select the timesheets again in the Export screen and repeat the Process and Export function.
Note that you should check those previously exported timesheets are removed from your payroll system as well.
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