You can add and manage tasks to TimeSite Pro in two ways, either via the Admin > Task menu or via the Project Template menu.
Task List
Task Menu
You can add, edit and delete both time-based and non-time-based tasks in Admin > Task. A time-based task is a task that used duration as the unit or measure. A non-time-based task can be defined using an alternative unit such as dollars, kilometres, pages, and so on. These tasks are linked to all projects in TimeSite Pro.
Tasks are also specified with a Task Type. Task types allow you to specify whether a task is billable or not, whether a specific task is time-based or non-time-based, and a task category. If you adding a non-time-based task, you will also be asked to specify the Unit Cost and the Unit Bill rates. You can also specify whether a task requires a timesheet comment to be entered.
If you get a warning message displayed when you select the Admin > Task menu, you will have specified Enable different Tasks for Projects when you answered the Quick Setup question, Will everyone work or have access to every Task. Go to Settings > System Settings > Features > Enable different Tasks for Projects and disable this option.
Project Template
You can configure TimeSite Pro to link different tasks to different projects vis the Project Template menu. This is enabled via Settings > System Settings > Features > Enable different Tasks for Projects. When this setting is enabled, the Project Template menu selection is visible in the Admin screen.
There will be a template present called .System template which is added by TimeSite Pro. This template will be used to add tasks to any project that is imported into TimeSite Pro from another application such as MYOB or Xero. Don't delete this template, please. Add a new project template to specify a list of time-based and non-time-based tasks that can be applied to a new project that you create within TimeSite Pro.
Add Project Using Template
Once you have created your project templates including the tasks that are specific to that template, you can then create a new project using a template.
Task Finance
This topic refers to a feature only available with the Standard and Accounting Subscriptions.
If Task level linking has been enabled in Settings > System Settings > Rates > Linking Users, Projects and/or Tasks > Enable Task level linking, then cost and bill rates can be specified at the task level. The Task > Finance panel is thus displayed allowing these rates to be specified.
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