Your projects can be managed from the Project administration panel. In many respects, projects represent the core of TimeSite Pro's timesheet categorisation strategy.
- Project List
- Add New Project
- Project Profile
- Project Tasks
- Project Items
- Project Details and Addresses
- Project Finance
- Project Budget
- Project Links
- Project Geofence
Project List
Navigate to Admin > Project, select a client record and either double-click the row or click the edit (pencil) icon to open the project details panel. You can also Add New Project and Import Projects using the buttons on the top right of the Project panel. Delete a project record using the delete (trashcan) icon.
Note that you can only delete a project record if it has no invoices or timesheet records associated with it. Otherwise, make the client inactive.
Add New Project
You can add a new project either from scratch which means that no tasks will be listed for the project, or by copying a selected project. if you clone an existing project you will also copy all the tasks specified for the project you've selected to copy. You can also create a project using a project template.
Project Profile
The Project Profile panel enables you to update project name and code, project type, project template, begin and end dates, status, and department. Some of these items will need to be enabled in Settings > System Settings > Features > Project before they are visible in this panel.
The View Audit button enables you to review the log of changes made to the Project record by both account administrators as well as the TimeSite Pro system.
Project Tasks
The Project Tasks panel enables us to add, modify and delete Tasks associated with this specific project. These tasks can be either Time-Based tasks or Non-Time-Based tasks. Tasks can also be imported from this panel.
Project Items
If you have enabled Sub Projects in System Settings, this panel will enable you to specify project items that can be used to further categorise tasks in a timesheet record. See How can I use sub-projects in my timesheet for more information on this feature.
Project Details and Addresses
The Project Details panel includes details associated with the project billing arrangements and notes. The Project Addresses panel specifies the project address, the bill-to address, and the delivery address.
Project Finance
The Project Finance panel displays the billing arrangement (fixed price or time & materials), cost rate and bill rate, and budget details (if enabled).
Project Budget
This panel also enables you to specify the project budget either by time or by dollars. Further, you can specify either the hours worked or the hours billed, or you can specify the dollar cost of the project or the billable value of the project. You can enter the budget value into either one of the following fields:
- Worked Hours
- Billable Hours
- Cost $
- Bill $
TimeSite Pro will then calculate the total hours and/or dollars and the % Complete from the timesheet records entered into the system. You can also enter the Expected and Actual % Complete for comparison and reporting purposes. If you sent the Alert percentage, TimeSite Pro will email an alert to the nominated email address when the Real % Complete reaches the trigger value specified.
Note that the Budget type (Time or $) that is selected when the project record is saved is the one that is in effect for alerts. Budgets can be recorded for both Time and $ though.
Project Links
The Links panel enables you to either Modify/Delete/Create links between this project and related (timesheet) users or Load and show links between the project and related (timesheet) users.
See Project-User Linking: Standard & Accounting Subscription and Project-User Linking: Basic Subscription for more information on how to create and edit links between the project and one or more related users. You might also like to review the article How do I use Department to limit links between Users and Projects.
Project Geofence
You can specify a project location and associated geofence that can be used to alert TimeSite Pro's mobile app users that they are approaching or departing from the project's worksite. Enter the project's address and a radius around the address. We use Google Maps (and its associated API to alert your timesheet user to create a timesheet record on their mobile device. See How do I use TimeSite Pro's Geofencing Capability for more information on this feature.
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