In order to maintain strict data integrity in our database, we won't allow records to be deleted if they are linked to other records. For example:
- Resource user records are linked to timesheet records,
- Timesheet records have been used in an invoice,
- Clients are linked to projects or invoices,
- Projects are linked to timesheets and invoices,
- and so on.
You will see an error message explaining why we can't delete the record. This is not the case if the record has just been added to your account and is not yet linked or used in the system. Sometimes, you may be able to delete the linked record in order to delete the record in question. But this might not always be the case.
Our general recommendation is to make the record in question inactive rather than deleting it. In the case of Resource users, this decrements the active user subscription count by 1 and thus can be used to create another Resource user in the system.
Deleting timesheet records
Timesheet records are a special case: they are locked when the timesheet has been submitted for approval, or the timesheet records have been exported to payroll or used in an invoice. If the timesheet has been submitted, you can set the timesheet to Resubmit to unlock the timesheet records.
Hover your mouse over the Lock icon in a timesheet record to see what activity is locking this record. You can then speak to your supervisor about whether and how to unlock this record.
If you are using TimeSite Pro during a trial period, you can reload all demo data, including any timesheet records that you have added to your account, will be deleted when you reload your demo data or reset your account when you are about to establish your subscription.
See Remove / Reload Data for more information on resetting your trial account.
Making Records Inactive
You will notice that Client, Project and User records in TimeSite Pro can be made inactive. You will also note that these records can also be deleted but that you may get an error message when you try to do so. This is because the record you are trying to delete is linked to other records in your account. For example, you can't delete a Project record if it is linked to timesheets and invoices.
When this happens, you make the record inactive instead. This is a good administrative practice for a number of reasons. For example, if you make a Project inactive, then your resource users can't create a timesheet record linked to this project by mistake. Inactive records can still be included in report and enquiries of course. This means that history information is still available for you to use.
In the case of Resource users, this decrements the active user subscription count by 1 and thus can be used to create another Resource user in the system.
This also has productivity benefits for your users as well. They won't have to scroll through Projects and Clients that are no longer active in your business.
Finally, making records inactive has performance benefits for your TimeSite Pro account. Many operations will run faster if they don't have to constantly update old and inactive records.
Setting Clients, Projects and Users to inactive is not mandatory in TimeSite Pro, but it is highly recommended.
Contact us if you have any questions about this capability.
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