TimeSite Pro has a number of data validation checks that can stop you from adding a timesheet record to your timesheet.
Client — Project — Task checks
TimeSite Pro does not permit timesheet records to be added without the categorization of the time or non-time task information being recorded. In other words, TimeSite Pro does not permit "orphan" timesheet records. So a resource user must identify the combination of client, project and task in order to add a timesheet record.
For the same reason, the user can't select a client record if the client doesn't have an active project associated with it. And a project record isn't able to be selected if the project doesn't have an active task associated with it. Note that Client, Project and Task records can be made inactive and so won't be presented when adding a timesheet record.
You can configure TimeSite Pro to allow the user to add project and task records from the timesheet Add Record panel in a browser. This feature isn't available in our mobile apps. You can also enable Settings > Features > Misc > Enable simple setup mode to allow you to create a client— project— task hierarchy when creating a new client record. See Client Administration — Client Simple Setup Mode for more information on this feature.
Date and duration checks
TimeSite Pro will run a variety of date validity checks before adding a timesheet record. For example, if a project has a start and end date then a timesheet record cannot be added with a date outside of this range.
Similarly, a user record has a start and end (employment) date and a timesheet record can't be added with a date outside of this range.
You can also configure TimeSite Pro to allow (or not) timesheets to be created in advance. You can also configure TimeSite Pro to check for zero, minimum and maximum duration.
Appropriate error messages will be shown if these date range and duration checks fail.
Timesheet locked
Once a timesheet has been submitted for approval, then the timesheet for that week is locked. New timesheet records can't be added and existing timesheet records cannot be altered or deleted. Similarly, if a timesheet record has been exported to payroll or invoiced then it can't be amended or deleted. A warning or an error message will be displayed depending on the action.
Project — User linking
TimeSite Pro links users to project and projects to users. This means that if a user is not linked to a project, then that project is not displayed when adding a timesheet record. This linking can either be automatic or manual and can include date range checks.
If a user can't see a project that you think they should be able to see, go to their user record and check the projects that they have been linked to (Admin > User > [select user] > Links > Load and show links)
Note that Departments can be used to constrain project — user linking. If this feature is enabled, check that the user and the project are in the same department and therefore should be linked.
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