The Invoice Collect tab enables you to manage the invoice collections workflow. You can:
- see a summary of invoice amounts outstanding by Age and by Client,
- select outstanding invoices by Age and by Client,
- select an invoice and open an invoice details panel,
- reprint and resend an invoice to a client,
- keep notes of invoice collection activities with each client including notes of conversations and phone calls,
- prepare a statement of outstanding invoices for a client, and
- process a payment for an outstanding invoice.
Note that only invoices set to Final or Complete are available in this Collect tab to remittance processing. See Invoice Processing, Invoice Status and Workflow for more information on invoice stages.
Selecting and Viewing Invoices
Select All in the Aging table to see all amounts owing and unbilled period. lieby client. Select All Owing to see all invoices outstanding by client.
Select a client in the Client table to view invoices for that client.
Use the Invoice table to filter by invoices where amounts are Owing (payment outstanding), Paid and All invoices.
Select an invoice in the Invoice table (filtered by client selected in the Client table) to open the invoice details panel.
Process Invoice Payments
Click the Payment button above the Invoice table to process a payment received for one or more invoices. The Payment amount can be a partial payment, payment in full, or overpayment (amount received > amount outstanding. You can select different Clients, receive a payment into different payment accounts (Paid into), and specify the Payment method.
TimeSite Pro will automatically Receive Payments received to outstanding invoices for the specified client. You can Clear this automatic allocation from an invoice, or Set the allocation to a specific invoice. Any unallocated amounts will be calculated and displayed. Partial payments to an invoice will be shown in yellow. Once you have set the allocated amounts, click the Allocate payment to save the payment allocation.
The Manage Payments tab will display payments made to invoices. These payments can be reversed by clicking on the Delete (trashcan) button.
Prepare Statement
Click the Statement button to prepare a statement for a selected client.
Detailed notes are recorded about both system-generated changes to the invoice as well as manual notes that you can record on activities such as phone calls and emails.
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