An apology from us.....
We have been remise in notifying you of updates, bug fixes and other software releases this year. Here is a chronology of the calendar 2023 releases. Future releases will be more timely. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Summary of the year to date
Our hard-working development team continues to deliver significant improvements to TimeSite Pro's solution. Here are some of the major improvements we have added this year.
Leave request approval and linking of entitlements from a number of payroll apps.
The leave request process can be applied to certain types of leave and enabled on a per user basis, the leave approval process is supported by a fully customisable messaging module. Approved leave is entered as locked timesheet records that can be exported to payroll. a leave calendar is also available.
Timesite Pro syncs accrued benefits from the following accounting packages: MYOB Advanced, MYOB AccountRight, KeyPay and Payroll Metrics.
Paid and unpaid breaks.
Paid and unpaid breaks can be recorded, as can the breaks start times, these features can be turned off if not required. Breaks can also be set to apply to specified groups of employees.
Paid breaks or portions of them can be incorporated into the Award rules to meet payroll requirements if necessary.
Significant improvements to the timesheet approval processes and workflows.
The additions and improvements are many and significant - with more to come! We will soon support daily approvals with pre start checks and a number of features - stay tuned.
Award interpretation - Our rules engine
We have added support for consecutive shift rules and pay grade modification rules along with a bunch of other little gems all working together to allow us to keep meeting your payroll rule requirements.
Import and export, linking to other apps
We have added more apps to our integration list and enhanced most of our current integrations, we have the ability to import, export and live sync in various degrees with all our integrated apps, we are adding more and making existing integrations more sophisticated, life is good!
Mobile apps
Our mobile apps; iOS and Android have both had significant upgrades, performance, features and usability. Some areas that have had attention; Offline syncing, messaging, clocking on and off and syncing with other devices, performance improvements, new kiosk features, the list goes on.
For more details check out below
Rosters & Shifts
Approval & Authorisation
Payroll award/EA engine
Export & Import
Enquiry & Reporting
Mobile App
Trust Accounting
New features
February 2023
- Begin addition of the ability to enable a break start time and the ability to require a second break start time, the second break will have a system setting to set how long the second break will be, this will typically be a paid break.
- Add indexes to improve the performance of the overlap timesheet records identify process - 97% improvement.
- Ensure minutes in the timesheet record popup screen are only ever shown to two digits and that they are rounding correctly.
- Change the review column icon to be red if action is required.
March 2023
- Modify the holidays shown on timesheet calendars to only show holidays for a user based on the county and state the user is in.
- Implement leave approval. This is set to only apply to the task types that have leave approval enabled. Users must also have a leave approver set against their account. Once enabled users can add tasks for leave approval required task types. They will have a new button on the timesheet screen which will allow them to request leave. A new messaging screen supports the email messaging sent to the leave approver when leave request are submitted. The leave approver can approve or send the request back for modification. The messaging screen has facility to modify the email to the user. If leave is approved timesheet records are automatically created and locked. If leave is rejected or needs changing the timesheet records will be removed. Leave requests understand public holidays applicable to the user.
- Implement weekly work hours and workstart time and work end time, these are system settings which can be overridden by user group settings which can be overridden by user settings, these settings are use by the leave request to auto fill start and end day times.
April 2023
- Implement the ability to send timesite timesheet records as they have CRUD events to advanced as time cards.
- Begin building support to send timesheet records to advanced payroll as timesheet records.
- Show user colours in the leave request calendar screen.
- Add second break etc to timesheetpro.
- Add the leave calendar to the leave approval screen.
May 2023
- Add data validation to ensure breaks can’t be outside of time worked hours and breaks can’t be more than time worked.
- Show breaks and break start times if enabled on export timesheet screens.
- Modification to the leave request screen to better deal with entitlement restrictions, make various UI changes.
- Add the ability to view leave entitlements via the leave request screen in the timesheet screen.
- Ensure break times and start times fall within the time record.
- Rename breaks and smoko to paid break and unpaid break.
Bugs dealt with
January 2023
- Fix a bug with the copy timesheet process where it was copying all timesheets if none previously existed for a user.
- Fix a bug with the copy timesheet process where it was duplicating records.
- Resolve issue with the copy last weekly timesheet process as it was sometimes duplicating records.
February 2023
- Add indexes to improve the performance of the overlap timesheet records identify process - 97% improvement.
- Ensure minutes in the timesheet record popup screen are only ever shown to two digits and that they are rounding correctly.
- Ensure the copy timesheet button is disabled on timesheets that are locked.
- Change the review column icon to be red if action is required.
- Ensure the copy timesheet button changes state between disabled and enabled when a timesheet is requested back for edit and then resubmitted.
March 2023
- If timesheet period is fortnight and authorisation is enabled then show 14 days of data instead of 7 in the main table.
- Modify the save timesheet record process to add 1 day to the end time if it is before the start time.
April 2023
- Small cosmetic changes to the std timesheet screen.
- Ensure user location records are associated with timesheet records if applicable.
May 2023
- Add data validation to ensure breaks can’t be outside of time worked hours and breaks can’t be more than time worked.
August 2023
- Increase the source field in timesheet table to 300 char .
- Stop timesheet records being able to be saved if they have selected an inactive task, project or client.
Rosters & Shifts
New features
February 2023
- If a timesheet record is created by any means and its date/time overlaps with a record created by the roster or shift the existing record will be modified by the new record, so things like clock in/out will adjust a roster or shift record automatically.
March 2023
- If a new record is created and it overlaps a roster or shift record it will assume the identity of that record and modify it.
- Minor changes to the roster screen.
- Add feature to load roster based on prev week timesheet records.
- Add start/end times and notes to the popup.
- Remove the start and end times from the appointment panel in the roster, these items can still be edited by double clicking on the appointment.
- Allow the user screen to change the colour associated with the user record, remove the random user colour assignment for updated user accounts that don’t have a colour set.
April 2023
- Significant work on the roster screens.
May 2023
- Only show colour codes if the roster is enabled.
August 2023
- Rationalise the create shift routine to make it faster and not attempt to run if timesheet records already exist.
Bugs dealt with
March 2023
- Resolve an issue with editing roster items.
Approvals & Authorisations
New features
December 2022
- Revamp the approval auth logic and introduce new options to select:- Only approval, Only auth,approval then auth, auth then approval and auth and approval concurrently.
- Improve the logging for approval and auth.
- Add the ability to filter the WIP screen by auth status.
- Now if a timesheet is requested back for editing by the timesheet owner the authorisation record will remain but all timesheet records assigned to it will be removed until the user resubmits the timesheet, this way we retain the log of events.
- Ensure the review status appears on the timesheet export screens as well as the auth and approval screens if the feature is enabled.
- Ensure the GPS link in the authorisation screen when clicked only shows records related to the authorisation record and not all records belonging to the timesheet.
- Rationalise table structure in the db to better support the new auth approval features.
- Change the Account adjustment account to be named System account.
- Change the resubmit status to display as Waiting resubmission.
- Add project code and number to the columns in the auth screen - only show if the appropriate feature is enabled.
- Add the auth log entries as a new tab to the auth details screen.
January 2023
- Add an option to the approval process to force a timesheet to be submitted to be approved, when this is not enabled timesheets can be approved without being submitted.
- Ensure the timesheet approval weekly detail screen shows the correct totals when moving between weekly timesheets.
March 2023
- Improve the performance of the authorise and approve screens.
May 2023
- Modify the reminder to submit process stored procedure, specifically the variable that calls for a list of all unsumbitted timesheets, this process was not including incomplete timesheets.
- Add ability to edit timesheet records via the authorisation screen.
July 2023
- Add overdue timesheet authorisation to the message schedule type list.
Bugs dealt with
March 2023
- Resolve issue where an approver can approve an incomplete or requires resubmission timesheet and the authorisation process was not being triggered.
- Resolve an issue if authorisation only is enabled, in this case the timesheet screen shows the submit bar saying no approver is set.
May 2023
- Resolve issue with the overdue approval, overdue submit and overdue timesheet schedule messages, all the above were missing the new pushid field in their feeder stored procs.
July 2023
- Resolve a refresh issue in the approve screen when records are updated via the detail screen.
See full Procore release note [link here].
New features
December 2022
- Store inbound data packet resulting from webhook instruction from Procore.
- Add the ability to map Procore time types to timesite task types to allow import of timesheet records from procore.
- Begin work on the procore app registration process, this is required by procore.
January 2023
- Implement Export and import (Sync) timesheet records support with Procore, this feature is now an add on module and has been released on the Procore marketplace.
February 2023
- Add the ability to store the timesheet item object and the JSON data packet on outbound API calls to Procore.
- Improve the matching for Procore sync timesheet records.
- Significant work done on the Procore timesheet record sync process, error handling, better UI messages, better matching.
- Add an option to only attempt to sync timesheet records that belong to Timesite projects that are linked to Procore projects.
- Begin to implement timezone settings for timesite projects to better match the Procore time zone approach.
- Ensure the copy project process correctly remaps any tasks that are set against project items.
- Ensure task name changes remove the link with procore and other third party integrations.
- Allow timesheet records to be viewed via the Procore data sync screen.
March 2023
- Significant work refining the procore sync code.
- Resolve issues and improve error handling with procore timesheet record sync.
- Implement the ability to import procore cost codes as project items.
May 2023
- Ensure the procore pending and approved status gets applied to the timesheet review status, enable timesheet review must be enabled.
- More mucking around with procore time offsets.
- Improve the procore linking with timesite projects.
Bugs dealt with
May 2023
- Resolve issues with procore, ensure it creates projects in timesite when required and that it links correctly.
Awards engine
New features
December 2022
- Restrict entries shown in the link allowances screen based on the main rules filter type and value.
- Add a third after working option set to the award rule items, this allows us to deal with RDO, then time and a half then double time for a single record.
- Add a new task type category filter to the time of day and allowance rule items, this dropdown allows us to identify time as available, unavailable, assigned and unassigned, available time = assigned and unassigned.
January 2023
- Split the award and rostering module into two separate modules, adjust web site and all licensing logic to support this.
- Add more error handling and reporting to the award engine.
February 2023
- Add the ability to require timesheet records to have more than zero hours/units, timesheet records with zero hours will not be processed by the award engine.
April 2023
- Ensure overtime etc is tagged to the best possible record - not the first.
- Ensure allowance records have hours set to the correct value based on if they are by hour/day/etc.
- Add the ability to remove individual allowances from allocations against projects or users.
May 2023
- Add support for entitlements. This includes a new mapping option in settings and restrictions to leave requests.
- Link to KeyPay and set entitlements to load daily automatically.
- Auto create new task reporting and task type categories to provide support for different entitlements.
- Modify pay rules so they show as red if created or updated by anyone other than timesite.
- Add payrule record events to the auditing process.
July 2023
- Implement award engine version numbers, set all existing sites to version 1 ad all new sites to version 2.
- Update the award engine version 2 to support inclusion of break time in overtime created records.
- Ensure apply business rules rejects a timesheet when the weekly timesheet has been exported.
August 2023
- Standardise all V2 payrulles to use the new approach re day and time boundary filters.
- V2 - Make the difference between min hours to pay and min hours required and max hours to pay more clear and rationalise the code for these.
- Adjust the make contiguous time routine to ensure records are sorted correctly before processing to get them into the correct timesheets, days etc, this resolved an issue when re apply all rules to all unexported time was run.
Bugs dealt with
March 2023
- Resolve an issue with allowances consuming time in the award engine.
April 2023
- Resolve issues with the rules engine and the way it targets allowances re task types and task category.
Export & Import
New features
December 2022
- Ensure the timesheet export screens show the breaks column when displaying timesheet item records.
- Ensure the xero timesheet export supports timesheet periods other than weekly.
- Add import timesheets section to the settings screen.
January 2023
- Add more error info to the MYOB AR timesheet export process.
- If user groups are enabled allow them to be used as a filter in the timesheet export screen.
- Ensure colour coding for edited imported timesheet records in the timesheet screen works as expected.
February 2023
- Review status is now shown in the export screen, timesheet record details table.
- Add an option to request a timesheet record be reviewed via the export screen.
- Persist the selected timesheet in the timesheet export screen so when a timesheet record is modified the screen does not reload and clear out the selected timesheet in the bottom grid.
March 2023
- Add Dynamics AX 2012 to the export timesheet list (not implemented yet).
- Begin building support to export labour item data to advanced with time cards, user groups will dictate labour item and the award engine can override.
- Implement a new feature that is enabled in system settings that allows the export payroll screen to set a timesheet record as requires review, a message is sent to the record owner.
April 2023
- Finish the auto export sync process with MYOB Advanced. The process can be configured to auto create customers, projects and tasks in MYOB if they are missing. It also supports a queue and similar functionality as the Procore data sync, records are full CRUD with MYOB time cards.
- Add the ability to set the job in an MYOB AR export via the task code.
- If jobs are enabled for export to MYOB AR then also export the customer name.
- Ensure the exporting payroll mapping menu option is displayed when it should be.
- Modify the export timesheet detail screen to group records by date and to show the export qty of hours and units.
- Add the ability to add the customer data when exporting activity slips to MYOB AccountRight.
- Improve MYOB advanced connect/disconnect process.
- Improve customer matching with Advanced.
May 2023
- Begin implementing importing of MYOB AR Entitlements - this will be a user initiated process and can not be auto run.
- Include the paid break in export to KeyPay, also include start times if enabled instead of using a made up mid time.
- Add option to update entitlements for MYOB AR and other platforms where we can’t auto import the entitlements to the export timesheet screen.
- Show the user defined fields for timesheet records and the project item columns if they are enabled in the export timesheet detail screen.
- Add a system setting to allow the choice of when importing individual customers as firstname surname or surname, firstname.
- Add the ability to update entitlements for just a single user.
- Add option to disconnect from KeyPay to the export timesheets setting screen.
- Begin the integration with Quickbooks.
- Get Quickbooks leave entitlements.
- More work on getting entitlements from advanced.
- Make MYOB employee matching more robust.
- Fix the import MYOB Adv customer process.
- Ensure entitlements are shown in the leave request screens and restrict the possible leave taken.
July 2023
- Improve MYOB customer | Timesite client matching.
- Improve robustness of the MYOB Advanced entitlements pull down code.
- Increase message size for MYOB advanced soap calls, the pull down of task lists was blowing up the call.
- Modify the timesheet display detail panel in the export screen to better highlight records missing or incorrect hours.
- Allow task and project item to be swapped when exporting to MYOB Advanced.
- Ensure timecard export to advanced includes project details if project accounting is enabled.
- If swap project items with tasks is enabled the modify the import process to adhere to the setting.
- Ensure the user import process uses the username format setting to create the user and login names.
August 2023
- Implement connection settings and initial code to talk to payroll metrics, 60% complete for exporting timesheets
- Add an option to advanced export to allow export data to be sent without project and task values.
- Set the approval status by default to exported Timecards for advanced to Completed, this may need to become a system setting.
- Add error handling to ensure no error is thrown if trying to connect to Advanced when no URL has been supplied.
Bugs dealt with
December 2022
- Resolve a minor bug with advanced export.
January 2023
- Resolve a conversion issue with billable time for MYOB advanced timesheet exports.
- Resolve an export issue for Xero timesheeets when using a timesheet period other than weekly.
May 2023
- Resolve an issue with advanced importing of clients.
- Resolve an issue with Keypay entitlements download.
Enquiry & Reporting
New features
January 2023
- Improve enquiry screen performance.
- Add the ability to filter the list boxes in the report criteria selection screen
April 2023
- Modify the report printed via the approve timesheets page to display as PDF instead of the native report viewer.
May 2023
- Modify three user reports to support selecting the all active and all inactive options.
Bugs dealt with
January 2023
- Resolve an issue with reports that use task name as a filter option.
New features
January 2023
- Add feature to allow line items when invoice exported to Xero to be aggregated by user.
March 2023
- Improve error handling in MYOB AR for invoice creation.
Bugs dealt with
February 2023
- Resolve the filter project issue in the invoice screen, selected projects were not being retained in the filter drop down.
March 2023
- Resolve some filter issues in the invoice screen.
New features
January 2023
- Add option to messaging screen to alert the user if there is a sync issue with Procore.
February 2023
- Add a new variable to the timesheet needs to be submitted reminder process in the messaging screen, this variable will show all timesheets start date that are yet to be submitted, previously their reminder message only said there were timesheet(s) that required submission.
- Add a new option to the messaging screen to allow an email to be configured and sent to the reviewer on every timesheet records that requires review, typically this would be used when the review process is used for leave approval.
- Ensure the setting in the messaging screen to send SMS messages to approvers and authorisers when timesheets are submitted works.
- Approvers comments were not being sent to the timesheet user with the email or SMS message - this has been resolved.
- Modify the message shown to the user when we get MYOB API communication errors from AR, try to show user what timesheet the error occurred on.
- Minor improvement to the MYOB essentials error handling and UI messaging.
- Add the ability to notify the user that a timesheet record requires modification as per their reviewer.
April 2023
- Implement messaging options for when a record is created that requires expense approval.
Bugs dealt with
December 2022
- Resolve an issue with the SMS send process.
Mobile App
New features
January 2023
- Modify all app dropdowns to support type to search list.
March 2023
- Improve the mobile screen in settings page, it now shows if signalr is connected and the system messages sent to the device has more detail.
- Implement server support for the new find screen in the mobile app. This screen will list all projects the user has access to. They can select a project and see its location, navigate to it, view budget details if configured and record time and or expenses against the project.
April 2023
- Improve the GPS recording of data sent via mobile apps.
- Ensure GPS co-ordinate is in records stating user location when a new record is created.
- Provide the mobile app with the system setting to ensure the mobile app deals with breaks being configured to subtract or not subtract time.
May 2023
- Implement server based mobile user message storage. Provide web service methods for mobile use.
- Modify the mobile device messaging to separate push and signalr messaging.
- Modify the mobile devices screen to show if a push and or signalr connection is available.
- Include the enable task codes in the packet sent to mobiles, mobile can now prefix the task name with a code if it exists and the feature enabled.
- Implement the new methods for mobile to use to ensure no duplicates are created, this approach will use the timesheet items entities source property.
- Modify the task list select process for the mobile fetch to try to improve performance.
- Improve support for mobile messages.
July 2023
- Ensure the approve timesheets service method used by the mobile app follows the same workflow as the web app.
August 2023
- Adjustment to mobile messaging to ensure 102 codes are not sent to devices that originate the change, this is done via concatenation of the source field.
Bugs dealt with
May 2023
- Fix some bugs in the new mobile user message engine.
New Features
January 2023
- Add new external id fields to project, sub project, task and user tables.
- Ensure the copy project feature also copies the sub project items.
- Add more error handling to the bill rate change code.
February 2023
- Add the ability to remove the link for individual users with MYOB employee cards.
- Resolve some screen refresh issues in the admin screen with clients and projects, when they were updated or added or deleted sometimes the grid would not update to reflect the change.
March 2023
- Increase cost code field length in sub projects to allow export to keypay.
- Add the ability to hide unused bill rates in the bill rate screen.
April 2023
- Add the ability to restrict access to the unpaid break fields based on user group.
- Ensure the project status menu option in the settings screen is only shown if project status is enabled.
- Implement colour addition to task and task template records, colour codes set for a template task will be applied to tasks. Task colour coding is used in the roster screen - the project view.
May 2023
- Ensure project, project item and task lists sent to the mobile app for its prefetch only send active records and limit tasks sent to 5000.
July 2023
- Improve the layout of the new project screen to ensure all fields if enabled are shown.
August 2023
- Implement support to adjust paygrade based on the value selected in the timesheet item custom field 1.
- Implement support for pay grade, a pay grade can be assigned to a user and this paygrade is available for export to payroll.
- Add a new custom drop down field to the user.
Bugs dealt with
July 2023
- Resolve a bug in the subscription management screen
Trust Accounting
New Features
July 2023
- Update trust screen so it is sortable by the date column.
Bugs dealt with
March 2023
- Resolve an issue in trust accounting where you couldn’t transfer between trusts.
General / System
New Features
December 2022
- Improve login failure message and logging when using azure.
- Enhance logging for the forgot password process, log users ip addr, etc etc.
January 2023
- Upgrade from v 13 to v14.
- Add the ability for the system to force selected or all users to log back in, this is triggered for all users on a subscription plan change or for selected users when their security settings are changed.
- Ensure licenses override user security settings, if award is no longer subscribed regardless of the user having award access no award related screens/info will be shown.
- Add a message to the login screen to let the user know they have been logged out due to a security or licensing change and that they need to log back in.
February 2023
- Add more logging to the MYOB AR integration.
March 2023
- When a user clocks on via kiosk it will also clock them on their phone and vice versa, when they clock off on one device the other devices (kiosk also) will clock off.
- Add the ability to turn kiosk mode on and off via web app (not implemented in web app yet but supported in mob app).
- Through comprehensive testing with SQL performance profiler implement several new indexes to improve performance.
- Improve system upgrade process logging.
- Tidy up code relating to loading user object to improve performance.
- Improve server communication with the mobile apps.
- Ensure copying a project does not copy the GEO fence details.
- Improve javascript screen refresh code to remove some of the errors from javascript.
- Change the colours of special days in the calendar, make the selected day more distinguishable.
April 2023
- Add indexes to improve performance with the new project budget display screen in the ios app.
- Improve the log format for messages recording user password reset requests.
- Upgrade API to .NET7
- Implement new methods to support iOS app downloading project and task lists on loading app.
- Add database indexing to user location to improve performance.
- Ensure the last location in the dashboard GPS screen works correctly.
- Enforce page numbering when requesting tasks via the API.
- Enforce page numbering when requesting timesheet records via the API.
- Implement friendly URLs.
- Improve error message shown in the linking screen when currency is not configured correctly.
- Improve user matching with MYOB - remove all leading and trailing spaces.
- Upgrade rest communication with advanced API to ensure TLS2.
- Upgrade soap communication with advanced API to ensure TLS2.
- Implement code to manage background and foreground colours.
- upgrade map API used in the dashboard.
- modify the maps in the GPS tab of the dashboard.
- modify the data displayed for pins in the maps on the dashboard.
May 2023
- Modify the user screen so the colour picker is an icon.
- Modify the user screen - add a new tab to show entitlements
- Modify the task template and task screens to show the colour picker as an icon.
- Modify the build site process to make it more robust.
- Update the tiny url's for iOSand android, setup a new domain ( and use it instead of third parties, this change applied to all SMS messages sent via the web app and admin web app.
- Restrict the list of tasks in the mobile prefetch to 2000 to help resolve the timeouts from bigger record sets.
- begin work on the manual update of employee entitlements from MYOB AR.
- Ensure creating a new company by copying an existing one also copies pay rules.
- Handle errors in the IPLocation code.
- Modify some of the settings screens, rationalise them so all timesheet settings are in the timesheet screen and features are in the feature screen.
July 2023
- Add a new option to the login name format options: first name - space - last name.
- Modify the system settings audit process to only record records that changed.
- Update the google map display scripts to use the latest API version as we were getting script errors before.
August 2023
- Update various fields in an attempt to stop chrome auto filling values.
- Modify the recurly subscription license qty routine to deal with the fact that no active resources are left in the system.
- strip html code from comments displayed in the grids in invoice processed and unprocessed screens.
- Ensure the user drop down list in most screens now fully supports the type ahead match first feature.
- Adjust javascript logging to reduce the number of superfluous error messages being recorded.
Bugs dealt with
March 2023
- Resolve issue with audit insert. Timespans are not supported. Turn off those properties for serialisation in the objects that contain them.
May 2023
- Resolve an issue with the link screen when task names are null.
- Resolve an issue with the User API endpoint resulting from null colour codes.
July 2023
- Resolve issue with Azure login.
- Resolve issue with google login.
- Resolve issue with facebook login - still awaiting FB review.
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