It's time for a final update of our recent updates to TimeSite Pro. Looking back over 2022, we've again had a pretty busy development program. This includes work on our Award Interpretation rules, automatic archiving, major enhancements to our mobile apps and messaging systems, and new timesheet approval, authorisation and review workflows. To finish 2022, we'd like to focus on a significant new integration we've just released.
Procore's Construction Management solution provides a key suite of capabilities for some of our largest customers and prospects. TimeSite has focused intensely on award interpretation requirements in the construction industry over the last 18 months. We can now provide this capability to Procore customers by enabling them to import Procore timesheet records to TimeSite Pro, have award rules applied to them, and then export these award-interpreted records to your payroll system.
A number of our customers have requested more flexibility in our approval and authorisation workflows to support different sequencing. You can now specify whether timesheet approval is to precede or follow project authorisation. This will enable you to check the accuracy of a timesheet before requesting authorisation of timesheet information from your client or project manager. We have also included authorisation status in key timesheet filters such as Invoice > WIP. And we have improved our new timesheet record review workflow.
We continue to enhance detailed logging of key events and actions in TimeSite Pro, including our new approval and authorisation workflows. Award rules have been enhanced with new options, such as in the task type category filter, enabling us to identify whether the timesheet record relates to available, unavailable, assigned and unassigned work periods.
As is our normal practice, we'll start laying out our 2023 development themes and plans in the new year. We won't implement any major changes to TimeSite Pro over the holiday period. Our support systems — chat, email support tickets, and account monitoring — will remain available except on public holidays. Our team will take a break from 23 December to 3 January 2023.
We wish everyone a happy holiday season and look forward to a wonderful 2023.
Warm regards, The TimeSite Team
New Features and Improvements
MYOB & Xero import/export
MYOB Advanced Cost Centre
Integration Log information
Employee & Project matching improvements
MYOB Advanced default sub-account code & cost code
apply cost code to our sub-project capability
TimeSite can interrogate MYOB Adv re cost codes, sub-accounts & project accounting features
Award rules
round time up and down
target rules to specific tasks & task types
improve rounding & decimals
rules always applied
can add & subtract time
can process timesheet records with 0 duration
reports can include award rules information
Approve, Authorisation
status in screens
email changes
multiple company
project item
introduce paging to our API to improve performance
note deprecation date
security improvements
support for AzureAD & Microsoft 365 login
contact us for SSO requests
improvements to audit logs & our internal support logging
include advance logging option
New Feature: Timesheet record review
trust accounting improvements
iOS & Android apps updated
Roster screen improvements
MYOB Advanced includes Cost Code
API now included Link records between User & Project
Improvements to Management By and Introduced By functionality
Improvement to the sub-project functionality
New system project template can be applied to imported projects
Implement 60% of the integration with Procore to auto-import timesheets from Procore.
Allow API key to be sent as Authorization as well as Key; this is to support Procore webhooks.
Add headers to the API logging process.
Store received WebHooks and begin coding to process received webhooks.
Increase the SQL timeout period for most timesheet functions.
Change the forgot password process when it is run, a second new password is created, and the user can sign in with it or their original password; when they do, whatever password they sign in with is promoted to the main password, and the second password is deleted.
Ensure a user with can't change the password setting and can't request a new password via the forgot password mechanism.
Improve error handling for MYOB Advanced.
Stop logging online service disconnect when changing company via the drop-down.
Modify the menu in the settings screen; hopefully, it will be more intuitive.
Add Import Timesheets > Settings to the menu in the Settings screen.
Resolve an issue with the department dropdown not saving the correct value when a new user is created.
More work on Procore - store inbound data packets resulting from webhook instructions from Procore.
Restrict entries shown in the link allowances screen based on the main rules filter type and value.
Add a third after-working option set to the award rule items; this allows us to deal with RDO, then time and a half, then double time for a single timesheet record.
Add a new task type category filter to the time of day and allowance rule items; this dropdown allows us to identify time as available, unavailable, assigned and unassigned, and available time = assigned and unassigned.
Revamp the approval auth logic and introduce new options to select:- Only approval, Only auth, approval then auth, auth then approval and auth and approval concurrently.
Improve the logging for approval and auth.
Add the ability to filter the WIP screen by auth status.
If a timesheet is requested back for editing by the timesheet owner the authorisation record will remain, but all timesheet records assigned to it will be removed until the user resubmits the timesheet, this way, we retain the log of events.
Ensure the review status appears on the timesheet export screens and the auth and approval screens if the feature is enabled.
Ensure the GPS link in the authorisation screen, when clicked, only shows records related to the authorisation record and not all records belonging to the timesheet.
Rationalise table structure in the database to better support the new auth approval features.
Change the Account adjustment account to be named System account.
Change the resubmit status to display as Waiting resubmission.
Add the ability to map Procore time types to timesite task types to import timesheet records from Procore.
Ensure the timesheet export screens show the breaks column when displaying timesheet item records.
Begin work on the Procore app registration process; this is required by Procore.
Add checks when deleting timesheet records that will ensure an audit record is created before a record can be deleted.
Resolve an issue with the SMS send process.
Resolved an issue with the copy last weekly timesheet process as it was sometimes duplicating records.
Improve login failure message and logging when using azure.
Enhance logging for the forgot password process, log users ip addr, etc etc.
Ensure the Xero timesheet export supports timesheet periods other than weekly.
Modify all app dropdowns to support type to search list.
Add project code and number to the columns in the auth screen - only show if the appropriate feature is enabled.
Add the auth log entries as a new tab to the auth details screen.
Resolve a minor bug with advanced export.
Add the import timesheets section to the settings screen.
Resolve a bug in the subscription management screen.
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